Tracking Yona
Discover Your Natural Spirit

About this blog....

This blog is an opportunity to bring Yona to life. It’s an attempt to express just who Yona is; our hopes and fears, successes and failures, our beginning, our vision, our story. This is a glimpse into the Heart of Yona. Join us as we navigate the journey of becoming a place for girls to nurtured, to explore, to be silly, to challenge themselves, to learn, and to become confident young women who value themselves.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week Fourteen: Memorial Day

Song of the Week: Proud To Be An American by Lee Greenwood

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend Memorial Day Weekend in Washington D.C. I've been to D.C. several times, but there was definitely a different kind of energy in the air this weekend. Seeing all the flags and patriotism made me so proud to be an American. The weekend was also a stark reminder that freedom really isn't free at all.

Memorial Day Concert on the lawn of the Capital.

Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration Run. There were thousands of motorcycles that filled the streets of D.C. for hours. They were riding to demonstrate their respect for our troops and Prisoners Of War and Missing In Action.

The National Memorial Day Parade
Honoring All Veterans

Photos of fallen WWII Soldiers


Camp Yona wants to thank all our service men and women and their families who are currently serving, have served, or have paid the ultimate price to allow us at home to enjoy the freedoms they fought so hard to protect.

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