Tracking Yona
Discover Your Natural Spirit

About this blog....

This blog is an opportunity to bring Yona to life. It’s an attempt to express just who Yona is; our hopes and fears, successes and failures, our beginning, our vision, our story. This is a glimpse into the Heart of Yona. Join us as we navigate the journey of becoming a place for girls to nurtured, to explore, to be silly, to challenge themselves, to learn, and to become confident young women who value themselves.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week Nine: Start Me Up

Song of the Week: Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones

A Sisterhood of Founders: Pioneering Yona's Way

Camp Yona is so excited to announce our plans for Summer 2010. We'll be open for two weeks, July 4th - 17th, to a select group of girls: our pioneers.

This summer will be no average summer and our pioneers will be no average girls. We're looking for girls, 13 - 18 years old, that are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones to help change lives. Girls that are willing to take a leap of faith with us because they believe we can have a huge impact.

One way this summer will be different is our pioneer's accommodations. We're venturing into unknown territory that truly has not been settled yet. That means we'll be living in tents!

Though the property may physically be lacking in buildings, this summer will not lack excitement or adventure. There will be plenty of fun and challenging activities to try: canoeing, self-defense, painting, archery, fire arms safety, wake boarding, blobbing, and many more.

This summer will offer girls a unique opportunity to have some ownership in the development of Camp Yona. Whether it's helping to create Yona's traditions, develop programs that really impact girl's lives in a positive way, or physically building parts of camp. We are eager to get girls input on how Yona can effectively serve it's mission.

In order to make this summer a reality, we need volunteers. Volunteers to answer phones, get the word out, blaze a trail, teach a class, assist in building, and general cleanup. There are so many ways to get involved with Yona. 

Sunday July 4th, 2010 a few strong girls - the pioneer type - set out to discover and develop the uninhabited lands of Camp Yona. Conquering their fears and overcoming challenges, these visionary girls were willing to risk their own discomfort to be a part of something bigger than themselves .....
Stay tuned for more stories from the Sisterhood of Founders: Pioneering Yona's Future.

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